Sunday, 22 January 2017

Audience Research General

For my general research I carried out a survey that consisted of 4 questions. The reason I choose 4 was because I wanted enough question so I could get a good amount of relevant feedback but also I wanted to not have so many questions that I lost track of answers and I didn't bore the people I was gaining answers from. I surveyed 25 people between the ages of 16 and 18 as I go to school with them all but also as that is my target audience range and I want my magazine to reflect their needs and wants.

Here is a copy of the survey along with song answers I got back

 I am going to share with you some of my findings and my answers

Do you read music magazine?
The reason I asked this question was to see how many people read music magazines. With that information I could see how popular they were. My results show that 18 out of 25 of the people I surveyed read music magazines.

What feature draws you to a magazine?
 The reasoning behind asking this question was to see what aspect of the front cover, my target audience was drawn to. The most popular answer was the model. I understand this as I too think it is the most important and interesting feature of the front cover of a magazine.
What content are you most drawn to?
I asked this question as I wanted to know what I could include on the cover of my magazine to say is inside my magazine. I got an interview as the most popular answer. This wasn't that helpful as I will be doing an interview anyway.
How much would you pay for a music magazine?
The most popular answer was less than a pound. I think the reason behind this is that people of my target audience don't have a lot of money as they are students.

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