Sunday, 23 April 2017

Evaluation - Question 7

For my preliminary task I created a college magazine and for my foundation portfolio I created a music magazine. Between them you can see a large level of improvement in terms of it looking more professional and realistic. First of all, I was able to create a sense of cohesion with the look of my music magazine. It is clear that all the pages link together and belong together ,which is mainly down to the colour scheme, where as with my college magazine it was unclear if the contents page had any relevance to the actual front cover that I had created.

For my preliminary task I was asked to created a front cover and a contents page. Already there is a difference as for my music magazine I had to do the same but add a double spread page to it. By doing an addition page I have been able to develop on my skills as a media student and learn a lot along the way.
With the preliminary task, now looking back, I believe I could of done more to make it look of better quality and give it a professional touch that I have failed to achieve. First of all, I would add some more effect to the font on my front page as it look to 2D and flat. But adding a drop shadow, emboss or outer glow, it could pick the level of skill I had. Also it could make the text more readable as the background makes the font unclear to see and make out. However I do think there is some aspects to the cover that's good such as the colour scheme. Its clear where I got the colours forms and I used white as a feature colour which my target audience said that they wanted me to do for my music magazine. I also believe the magazine title "Thrive" works well with the aspect of the magazines.

The photos that  have chosen to use are very different and similar in many ways. With the music magazine I went with a mid close up shot on the front cover of the music magazine with the model smiling at the camera, welcoming people. This worked for that type of magazine as it suited the idea that she is a good student that is nice to other people and that she likes being at school. This is in contrast to my music magazine where even though she still has her angle of gaze at the camera, the whole attitude has change. She appears more confident as sassy which suits the genre of R&B. When researching, I wanted to get a hint of how R&B magazine looked and appeared and what made them different and stand out. I felt that the pose was the most important factor in portraying the genre and I believe I portrayed it well. With the contents page I developed my photograph skills. Before I had one picture of a long shot of two student, but now I have 2 images. With now having two images I am following the common conventions that a magazine carries and applying what I have learned into my magazine whereas before I just had one image. The style of shots has improved also as I have shot from a low angle with the picture at the bottom. The actual quality of the image has improve also. Even though I love the image I have on the college cover, the quality I have on the music cover is much better showing off the improvements I made. This was down to the fact that I had used more features on Photoshop as you can see in my image manipulation post, than only features such as "brighten". Lastly with music cover, it is clear that the photo is the magazine focus point as it is for most R&B magazine but with the college cover, the text covers too much of the image, making the layout messy and unorganised.

I didn't conduct any research for my college magazine and it is clear. I haven't got any idea on how to constructed it, I kind of just went ahead and made it on the spot. But the my music magazine I had around a month to gain an idea of what already existed as well as what I wanted to bring to it to make to my own. I think time management was another factor I had such differing levels of professional work as I had much more time to make my music magazine.

Overall, I think the changes are clear and that the developments made are now understood if not already.

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