Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Evaluation - Question 4

Who is your target audience for your media products?

My target audience would be for young adults between the ages of 16 and 25. I feel like this is a suitable age range as they tend to be the ones interested in the lives of the artists of this genre and listen to their music itself. I expect they listen to people like Beyonce and Drake on radio channels such as Capital Xtra. Also R&B music tends to talk about content such as adult behavior and had explicit language so I don't think anyone under the age of 16 will find it suitable. Even though the bracket is for under 25 years old, it doesn't mean that they cannot read it but more that I don't believe it would be popular for that demographic. 

My colour scheme is a mixture of black, grey, gold and navy blue. These colours work well for my target audience as they make the music magazine look and feel modern and well put together. Also gold is associated with the genre of R&B as it connotes bling and richest which will attract my readers.

Even though I haven't included a price tag it would be sold for £2.99. I chose not to have one on the front cover as it appears tacky and I couldn't find a right place for it. Furthermore there weren't any good examples of real media text to guide me. The price is well suited to this magazine as it is affordable for most but at the same time doesn't degrade the product with a cheap price tag. Even though when I was doing my research, my target audience told me they wouldn't spend more than a pound, after seeing my magazine they realized it was worth it.

As my target audience is predominately girls, it made sense to me to have a female artist on the cover to help attract them to buying it as it helps create a sense of relevance. Also I wanted them to see someone on the magazine that they could relate to and gain inspiration from. Lastly I take about some aspects of female empowerment in the magazine so by using "Argisa", i could express that message further.

Finally as I am between the ages of 16 and 25, I am my own target audience. This helps me make decisions on what works well and what doesn't as I can easily put myself in their shoes.

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